I'm New

We're so glad you've chosen to visit our website and learn a little more about the Northside Baptist Church family. We want you to know that God loves you and so do we. So we want you to feel comfortable when you worship with us. Here's a little glimpse of what you can expect...



Our parking lot surrounds our building, so we have many doors into our facility. At any of these doors you will find friendly faces nearby ready to show you where to go to find our Bible Study Groups, Sanctuary, or any other areas.



Come as you are. Whether you're coming from work or home, our attire ranges from jeans and shorts to suits and dresses. We are happy to see you! We aren't concerned about your attire.



Worship - Our services typically begin with a time of worshiping God through song in many different styles. We believe that worship is a great way for the generations to come together, so we strive to put together our services in such a way that all generations find it worshipful. Our focus is on God, not any individual or their musical preferences. We utilize a praise band, choir, and a vocal praise team in most Sunday morning services. 

Fellowship - In every service, you can expect to be greeted by our friendly church members before and after the service. We have a "connection card" in the pews racks. We ask that our guests or anyone with a new prayer request fill these out and put them in the offering plates when they are passed. We never ask our visitors to raise their hand or stand and introduce themselves. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

Offering - Every worship service includes a time of giving financially. This is a time set aside for our members to follow God's commands and give back to Him because He so faithfully gives to us. As a guest, we ask that you simply enjoy the music played during the offering time. You are not expected to give anything.

Message - Every service includes a time of Bible Study, typically led by our pastor, Bro. David Byrd. The Message will generally conclude with a time for people to respond based on what God is leading them to do. Some will come forward to pray at our altar where other people may come pray with you. During this time we also encourage people to come pray with one of our pastors about decisions regarding salvation or church membership.